Shopping Organizer Mini Books

  Hello There, Well once I got started I just couldn’t stop. I made a few more Shopping Organizer Mini Books. Thank you Lora, you really inspired me to use my stash of unused paper stacks and ribbons. It’s nice getting my creative juice going. Sometimes we may not have a destination until we see something we like and it […]

The Avengers

Hello all, Just got home, I saw the new Avengers movie and it was awesome!! If I could use an audio tone on the word “Awesome” I would. I have to tell you Marvel is doing it right when it comes to movie superheroes. DC not so much, sure they had Christopher Reeves as Superman way back when and it […]

Mother’s Day Cards

Hello,  Well it’s late here in California; however I didn’t want to go to bed without showing off my completed Mother’s Day Cards.  I created the flower pot using Doodlecharms Cricut Cartridge, found on page 109. What I did is cut the top part of the present image used Pink (Little Inker by Hero Arts) all around the edges and made […]

Steampunk Haven Notebook

Hello There, Have you ever been inspired by someone or something? Well Lora from FollowThePaperTrail on YouTube and Gotham City has. After seeing this coupon shopping book it inspired me to create this lovely notebook.  I don’t know about you but Steampunk seem to catch my eye. Ever since I saw the original Batman with Jack Nicolson as the Joker, I […]

Easter Egg Card

  Hello Crafters. Today’s card was originally made in April for Easter and since I moved my blog, I thought it would be a good idea to post it. Now this card was originally inspired by Annett Holler – Daffodils on YouTube. She makes the coolest thing just using what she has, and since I just have a very tinny tiny […]

Halloween Flower Pot

 Hello All, Not a lot of people know this about me; however I use to sculpt with clay in my younger days. This Halloween flower pot took a lot out of me, it took me three weeks to carve each 3” inch face out of polymer clay, two weeks to paint it using Craft Smart Acrylic Paint, sponge it with Color […]

Baby Shower Card

Hello Crafters, A few days ago my mother-in-law asked me to create a baby shower card for a woman at her work. My mother-in-law asked me to mimic the E-vite colors to the card I needed to create. This is what I came up with using my Cricut “Nursery Rhymes”. E-vite My Card The card was 4 1/2 inch x […]

Creating Things to Unique Designs

Hello There Reader, Well today is the day I move everything from my old place to my new place. That’s right I’m leaving my to this lager condo called Unique Design by Monica. Now some of my videos that I have placed on YouTube will have me saying (Creating Things @ Blog Spot. Com) in the opening.  Just ignore […]

A Dozen Layouts & Etched Mirrors

Hello There, Well after several dozen layouts and hundreds of uploads, I’m still not fully satisfied on what’s set up as my layout for this site. Though for now this will have to do, in the mean time I have made a couple of beautiful etched mirror for a client. Nevertheless I can’t post them do to client confidentiality. I […]

Unique Designs by Monica is Almost Operational

One would say “Unique Designs by whom?” Unlike Doctor Who, who likes his identity a secret and going by “Just the Doctor.” I’m not so allusive unlike our good doctor I’m a career girl, turn mom & housewife.  You would think being a mom and housewife I would have no time for anything else. But I do! I’m also a […]