Eco Friendly way to get adhesive off….

Hello All, Now I want to give manger Kudos to Dianarazana. Diana was the only person on YouTube as well as the internet that I was able to find an Eco Friendly way to get adhesive off glass. In addition it didn’t have me rubbing my fingers to nubs or make my skin crack.  I have tried everything, hot boiling […]

Ornament Transformation – King Boo

King Boo (Japanese: キングテレサ King Teresa) is the leader of the Boos and the main antagonist of the game Luigi’s Mansion, where he first appears to be Luigi’s nemesis. He is also an ally of Bowser, who has aided him in his various schemes. He is more than capable of devising and enacting villainous plans by himself, including his capture […]

Spider Lanterns

Hello All, Today’s project was done on my Silhouette Cameo. I created a paper lantern layout on Photoshop. Then I imported it on my Silhouette Cameo. I chose the “Select Trace Area” then highlighted my image. When you do this it will chose an outline for you, since I didn’t want the standard outline I chose “trace Outer Edge”. This […]

Garage Sale Update

Hello All, Ever bought anything at a garage sale that was slightly damaged and thought to yourself “I can fix it up”, and somehow that garage sale item has been sitting in your room collecting dust. Well that is what happened to me, but I got off my lazy creative butt and got to work. I had gotten 4 coasters […]

Ornament Transformation – Bob-omb and Spiny

Hello All, I’m taking a small break from making Halloween themed items and moved on to transformations. I wanted to use something I already have and transform it into something else. Now this project I’ve been working on for a few days. What with painting, sculpting, heating, gluing, glazing, and of course letting it all dry in-between. If you don’t […]

Pet Planters

Hello, I found my mini potted planters in one of my boxes and I thought they looked a little one dimensional. So I got my paint a little bling and made myself some pet planters for my little seedlings to grow with gusto. Grow my minions GROW!!!    

Chocolate Any One?

Since the day my mother put a Hershey’s Kiss in my mouth, I became a chocolate lover. That brown sweetness that put my senses singing, the smell of pure loveliness can never be denied. These mouthwatering pieces are almost good enough to eat. So to keep them close to my heart and out of my mouth I made these lovely charms to […]

Man Shirt – Fathers Day Card

Now that Mother’s Day has come and gone it’s time to appreciate our fathers in our lives. You may have had an Uncle, Brother, Grandfather, or Step-Father that raised your right. And in application you want to give him something for all the hard work and long hours he put to make you the better person you are today.   But […]