Getting Started
Hello Subbies,
When I was going to the Art Institute of San Francisco I had a class that taught students branding, marketing, and how to sell themselves to consumers. Now if I knew then what I know now I would have aced that class, but ah lass I just pass with a decent grade. I’m a slow learner when it comes to textbook work; I’m more of a visual kind of girl.
That’s why I am super grateful to people like Heather Wells, Renae Christine, and Paul Mason. They make it easy for me to understand how to run a business. They give me the tools it takes to be successful and the dues and don’ts of business. You can find their YouTube links below:
Heather Wells: https://www.youtube.com/user/heathernwells/feed
Renae Christine: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn0x9HKPygMJt77Snfxntbg
Paul Mason: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSaLiUL_ICoYtisQgIK_cSA
Okay, Paul Mason may not have a business but he was the main reason to get the ball rolling. How you may ask? Well while I was sitting in my living room watching my kids he posted this video:
[Video Not Available]
The title was so simple “Getting Started”. I looked at Paul and said “yeah right Paul” I was about to delete the post off my email when my accent clicked the link and boom I was taken to YouTube. Okay, I could have just backspaced or “x” out, but I was there and too lazy to do that. That was problem number one. I listen and listen and I took Paul’s words to heart. I have been kicking this idea in my head for a while now but I can tell you I am my own worst enemy. I was just hem-hawing telling myself “oh the kids make it hard” or “I just don’t have time to craft.” This was a lie!!! Lies I tell you, LIES! If it really was the kids making it too hard or I didn’t have time…. why do I have times to play Minecraft or League of Legends? I also found most of my time is being eaten up by Silhouette Cameo. I sit for hours at night creating images and 3D stuff, which is great if I were selling my images or crafting with the idea I made. But I haven’t, nor do I want to.
I want to get back to my first love which is working with my hands, not on my computer. There is nothing wrong with working on a computer. I just feel more alive making something out of nothing and holding it in my hands. The problem is “GETTING STARTED”.
So I’m challenging myself every night after the kids go to sleep to create inventory for my Etsy shop. That’s right people I am going to re-launch my store and for the whole month of July, I am making products for the Fall of 2014. I have a purpose; I have ideas and a budget. All I needed was to get started. C. S. Lewis said it best “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” it’s time to set that goal in motion and live my dream rather than just thinking about it.