What am I up to?
Hello All,
Well looks like I haven’t posted since August, gezz I really need to update this more often. But you know life kind of gets in the way. ALOT!! I have been sick as a dog since the beginning of August and its hasn’t been the flu/cold. Nope! Allergies I tell ya, yup something called Ragweed has been terrorizing my scenes since August began.
Still being terrorized by other tree and flower matting dust and let me tell you I don’t like it. But that just a small part of what else I have been up to. I have broken away from Etsy and started my own site called store.uniquedesignsbymonica.com which I am still maintaining it. Adding tons of new SVGs but also added my ornaments. And order are steadily coming in. Which will keep me busy for the next few months.
I submitted my Partnership work to Silhouette of America, if things go well my SVG will be seen throughout the US. How crazy would that be! I am on pins and needles waiting on a response. I should hear back by this Friday. So fingers crossed.
I still twitching over at twitch.tv/airideviant Mondays and Friday 8pm CST. Working on Ornaments right now, but when January comes around again its going to be back to SVGs.
I hope you guys like the update, let me know if you have any question.