200+ Subbies Plus Giveaway
Wait…what… WHAT!!!
That is what I have been saying all day. Words can not express the shock and awe I revived this morning. I reached 200+ subscribers wow thank you, guys. I didn’t really think anyone was watching my videos. I always had a Meh… If people watch and learn its cool.
If I can help one person get inspiration I’m okay with that. If they sub they sub no big deal. Until that is I check my email and saw someone had subbed. I was like cool I wonder if anyone how many subbies I have…what 5? 10? its been a long time you know.
All I could say was “wait…. what? Am I looking at the right person? Yeah, that’s me… wait… what?”
After I gather my sanity off the floor I know I had to do something. It’s not just a meh state of mind. I really need to show these people I appropriate there time to watch me. So I am doing a giveaway. Here is the best part, you don’t have to do anything.
Well, other than just click on the texted blow and BOOM It’s yours. That it! I am giving away just because you guys are awesome.